Impossible Things
I was born in 1996. Growing up, there were a lot of things that were considered to be Sci-Fi (or were outright laughed at) that are generally accepted as possible or probable today. Things like:
- Voice Assistants
- Broadly appealing electric vehicles that are more performant than their gas counterparts (You want an electric vehicle? You mean like a shitty golf cart?)
- Fusion Energy
- As an extension on that, green energy in general being more than just a college undergrad project
- Humans stepping foot on Mars
- True artificial intelligence (not the just bot you find in video games that people took to calling “The AI”)
- Extended Reality (AR/VR/XR)
- Human Immortality
- Swarming Nanobots
- Ubiquitous Computing
- Space Tourism
Mention any one of these things to anyone today who is technically in-the-know and they will say that it is either probable that these things will be created (if they haven’t already been created) or there’s a good chance it’s possible to build. This list just keeps getting longer as well.
A lot of this has happened within the last 5-10 years or so. What caused this shift in public perception? People didn’t just wake up one day and decide that all of these things that they had been told are impossible are suddenly possible. I don’t really have an answer to that question, but over the last couple of months or so I have begun to take on a new mindset regarding impossible things – and that’s that anything humans can think of is possible. I’ve begun to look at opinions that amount to “That’s impossible” with a lot of disdain because so many things in my short time on this earth have been proven to not be. Humans are capable of incredible things, and when we have an eager, curious, and excited outlook on the future of those things we will actually build them. Some “impossible” things I’m particularly looking forward to:
- Anti-gravity suits
- Teleportation
- FTL travel
- Replicators (ala Star Trek)